
咨询电话:400-0929-629/RSS导航 /网站导航



  1.When the soldiers marched into the valley, they suddenly found themselves____ by enemy forces.

  A. surrounding

  B. surrounded

  C. be surrounded

  D. having surrounded

  2. If you see her, please give my apologies _____ not having written to him.

  A. about

  B. on

  C. for

  D. at

  3. Whether you learn or not is entirely ____ you.

  A. up to

  B. as to

  C. about to

  D. due to

  4. Finally he managed to get into contact ____ them.

  A. with

  B. on

  C. at

  D. from

  5. ____ of this room ____ empty.

  A. Two-third; are

  B. Two-thirds; are

  C. Two-third; is

  D. Two-thirds; is

  6. ____ me, I shall not return there either.

  A. As long as

  B. As for as

  C. As for

  D. So as to

  7. She could not ____ the horrible weather there.

  A. walk

  B. run

  C. sit

  D. stand

  8. It is well known that Thomas Edison _____ the electric lamp.

  A. invented

  B. discovered

  C. found

  D. developed

  9. Cheap coal _____ a lot of smoke.

  A. gives up

  B. gives in

  C. gives away

  D. gives off

  10. I am looking forward ____ them nest week.

  A. to seeing

  B. to see

  C. seeing

  D. see



  11. I objected ____ the meeting without him.

  A. to have

  B. to having

  C. having

  D. have

  12. I would rather ____ with you.

  A. not to go

  B. to not go

  C. to go

  D. not go

  13. ____ this book and tell me what you think of it.

  A. Look through

  B. Look on

  C. Look into

  D. Look up

  14. A newspaper gives people _____ every day.

  A. an information

  B. information

  C. the information

  D. informations

  15. May I stay with you ____ going back to my parents’ home tonight?

  A. because of

  B. so as to

  C. in spite of

  D. instead of

  16. Jack ____ his thick coat because it was snowing.

  A. put on

  B. puts on

  C. wear

  D. has on

  17. His doctor suggested that he ____ his right hand.

  A. avoid to use

  B. avoid using

  C. has avoided using

  D. avoids to use

  18. A color TV is _____ a black and white.

  A. three times as expensive as

  B. expensive as three times as

  C. as three times expensive as

  D. as expensive three times as

  19. I would rather you _____ good to him.

  A. do

  B will do

  C. has done

  D. did

  20. Mary runs ____ among them.

  A. the fastest

  B. the most fast

  C. most fastly

  D. most fast



21. I met her ____ my way ____.

  A. in; home

  B. on; home

  C. in; to home

  D. on; to home

  22. By the time we got to the cinema, the film_____ for half an hour.

  A. has begun

  B. had begun

  C. has been on

  D. had been on

  23. The passengers were robbed _____ all their money.

  A. of

  B. off

  C. from

  D. away

  24. I insist that a doctor ____ immediately.

  A. has been sent for

  B. sends for

  C. will be sent for

  D. be sent for

  25. _____ writer is better known in China, Charles Dickens or Mark Twain?

  A. Which

  B. What

  C. Either

  D. Whether

  26. Where is my pen? I ____ it.

  A. might lose

  B. would have lost

  C. should have lost

  D. must have lost

  27. It _____ John and Mary who helped me the other day.

  A. is

  B. was

  C. are

  D. were

  28. The teacher spent almost the whole afternoon _____ the students’ homework.

  A. to go over

  B. go over

  C. going over

  D. went over

  29. She didn’t remember _____ him before.

  A. having met

  B. have met

  C. to meet

  D. to having met

  30. You ____ return the book now. You can keep it till next week if you like.

  A. can’t

  B. mustn’t

  C. needn’t

  D. may not



本文标签:贵州成考 英语 2022年贵州成考专升本《英语》备考练习及答案(一)






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